Using JavaScript more and more, one learns to appreciate the possibilities of callback functions. While developing XPages applications, many complex issues can be dealt with simply by using a standard (library) function and a callback to a function that is your own.
For instance, sorting in JavaScript can be done using a standard sort function in combination with a comparator function.
var r= [4,5,6,1,2,3];
r.sort(function(a, b) {
return b-a;
will produce the following output on the console:
Is there a way to do the same in LotusScript? The usual answer to this question is no, it can't be done, but...
There is good news, for there is a way! And, even better news: it's not that difficult. It is of course not possible to use a function parameter, exactly like in JavaScript, but the solution is entirely in LotusScript and fairly easy to understand if you're familiar with simple LotusScript classes and objects.
Let's use the sorting example from above, in combination with a flexible comparator function. The solution below is based on one base class with a derived class. The base class contains the standard methods to fill an array (Variant) with values and to retrieve it again after sorting, plus a standard comparator function. This standard comparator function can be redefined in the derived class.
Maybe it's better to show you the solution:
Class Sorter
Private stack As Stack
Sub New
Set stack= New Stack
End Sub
Sub addValue(value As Variant)
Call stack.Push(value)
End Sub
Function Compare(a, b) As Integer
If a<b Then
Compare= -1
ElseIf a>b Then
Compare= 1
End if
End Function
Private Function Sort As Variant
End Function
End Class
Some explanation:
Now for the derived class. All we have to do is redefine the Compare function, so that the Sorter sorts the values in descending order:
Class SortDescending As Sorter
Function Compare(a, b) As Integer
If a<b Then
Compare= 1
ElseIf a>b Then
Compare= -1
End If
End Function
End Class
Let's put it to the test, in an Agent:
Sub Initialize
Dim sd As New SortDescending
Dim v As Variant
v= Split("4,5,6,1,2,3", ",")
ForAll p In v
Call s.addValue(p)
End ForAll
v= sd.Sort
Print Join(v, ",")
End Sub
I'll leave it to you to guess the output...
What we achieved is a Sorter class that can be stored in a common library, for everyone to use. If you need a sorting function and you don't want to do the implementation yourself, you can reuse the Sorter class and just redefine the comparator function. The default comparator works for numbers or strings, but you can even write make it work for objects, under the condition that you correctly define the comparator function.
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