Does this sound familiar:
SMTP Server: Authentication failed for user ; connecting host
Hackers! They are trying to penetrate your system, you want to block them and preferrably in the firewall, so Domino doesn't even notice.
Can we do something about it? Definitely. Below I present to you (1) a simple agent that sends IP-addresses to Ubuntu's firewall, and (2) some configuration settings in the events4.nsf database.
The idea is to add an Event handler per server, in the Monitoring Configuration database, that triggers an agent in yet another database. Separate, so the design of the events4.nsf database isn't changed. I called mine dds.nsf, Domino Domain Security. It's based on the StdR5StatReport template, just like the Monitoring Results database you can find on your server.
Maybe it's better to show you the agent:
Agent Block Intruder
Created Feb 14, 2021 by Sjef Bosman/TCM
Description: Block IP addresses on an Ubuntu server
Option Public
Option Declare
Class IPBlocker
Private blocked List As Boolean
Private n As Integer
Private cmd As String
Sub New
cmd= |/bin/sudo firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 source address=|
End Sub
Sub block(ip As String)
Dim r As Integer
If Not IsElement(blocked(ip)) Then
Print "Blocking IP " ip
r= Shell(cmd + ip + | reject' --permanent|)
blocked(ip)= True
n= n + 1
End If
End Sub
Sub flush
Dim r As Integer
If n>0 Then
r= Shell(|/bin/sudo sudo firewall-cmd --reload|)
Print "IP addresses blocked: " n
End If
End Sub
End Class
Sub Initialize
Dim ns As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim doc2 As NotesDocument
Dim v As Variant
Dim blocker As New IPBlocker
Set db= ns.Currentdatabase
Set dc= db.Unprocesseddocuments
Set doc= dc.Getfirstdocument()
Do Until doc Is Nothing
Select Case doc.ErrorCode(0)
Case "SMTP Server0x336E":
v= Split(doc.EventText(0), " ") ' last element is ip-address
Call blocker.block(CStr(v(UBound(v))))
End Select
Set doc2= dc.Getnextdocument(doc)
Call ns.Updateprocesseddoc(doc)
Set doc= doc2
Call blocker.flush()
End Sub
Some explanation:
The Event document is to be created in the Monitoring Configuration database, as follows:
Important: the Domino user ("notes") must have sudo rights without a password. Of course the agents should be signed by a user with sufficient rights to execute agents on the server.
And the result:
27/04/2021 18:33:49 SMTP Server: Authentication failed for user ; connecting host
27/04/2021 18:33:50 SMTP Server: Authentication failed for user ; connecting host
27/04/2021 18:36:10 AMgr: Agent ('Block Intruder' in 'dds.nsf') printing: Blocking IP
27/04/2021 18:36:12 AMgr: Agent ('Block Intruder' in 'dds.nsf') printing: IP addresses blocked: 1
It seems sensible to block complete IP-ranges, with some additional code in the IP-blocker class. The shell command is the following:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' reject"
Do try it!
© 2020 Sjef Bosman · Consultant HCL Domino/Notes
SIRET 442 133 252 00019 · tel. +33 475 252 805
· sjef.bosman